Date Archives October 2019

Starting my own personal internal netflix (part 1)

For some 20  years, I’ve collected physical and digital copies of tv, concerts and movies, from various sources, through various friends. About a year and a half ago, I looked at my walls and decided it was time to shrink it down somehow. I had my entire living room wall covered in movies, and TV was covering the back part of my kitchen wall. It was a hell of a mess trying to find things, because, try as I might, keeping things in order was ugly, and I never knew what (if any) platform that things were to be found on (Apple, Amazon, a couple Vudu, etc).  With over 2k movies, 150+ professional live (WWE, concert) shows, 300+ TV series (1200+ seasons, 17k+ episodes), it was time to put it all together, and that took a good bit of planning and investigation.

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