2016 is a rather unique election year. The cage matches (debates) are over, each party is declaring that they won (what else is new), and, as typical, the cage matches (debates) really didn’t solve a damn thing, nor did they make us more aware of the real stances by the politicians at hand here. The true losers of this year’s election cycle are, for real, we, the people. That’s for a completely separate post, however, and should I make it, you’ll see that here as well… This post, however, merely serves to answer the question
should I vote
Each person will have their own answer to this, and each person’s answer will be unique to them. If you don’t agree with my answers, fine. However, keep it civil. There are plenty of ways to carry on civil conversation without trying to tear people apart. I realize that social media has made it more acceptable to attack, troll and otherwise diminish someone else’s thoughts and opinions, but that doesn’t fly here.